Expert Soldier Badge
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      Issue Regulations
      Expert Soldier Badge

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      The ESB allows commanders to recognize Soldiers outside the Infantry, Special Forces and medical communities who have met a high standard of performance in physical fitness and warfighting tasks.

      The ESB is designed to improve lethality, recognize excellence in Soldier combat skills and increase individual, unit and overall Army readiness. The ESB is the equivalent of the Expert Infantry Badge and Expert Field Medical Badge but for all other military occupational specialties in the Army. Those in the Infantry, Special Forces, and Medical career management fields are not eligible for the ESB.

      Earning the badge will test a Soldier's proficiency in physical fitness, marksmanship, land navigation and other critical skills, and demonstrates a mastery of the art of soldiering.

      The ESB training and testing is extremely challenging, mission-focused, and conducted under realistic conditions.

      Under the ESB test process, Soldiers will demonstrate mastery of individual skills through different evaluations over a five-day period. The standards for the ESB place candidates under varying degrees of stress that test their physical and mental abilities as they execute critical tasks to an established set of standards.

      The test consists of day and night land navigation, individual testing stations, and culminates with a 12-mile foot march. ESB test stations include warrior tasks laid out in the ESB regulation and may also include five additional tasks selected by the brigade commander from the unit's mission essential task list. Example tasks include:

      • React to an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) Attack
      • Construct Individual Fighting Positions
      • Search an Individual in a Tactical Environment
      • Employ Progressive Levels of Individual Force
      • Mark CBRN-Contaminated Areas

        Medical Lane Tasks
        M1: Request Medical Evacuation
        M2: Provide Care Under Fire and Move a Casualty
        M3: Provide First Aid to Restore Breathing and/ or Pulse
        M4: Evaluate a Casualty for a Heat Injury
        M5: Control Bleeding
        M6: Evaluate and Treat a Casualty for a Spinal Injury and Shock
        M7: Apply an Occlusive Dressing and Perform a Needle Chest Decompression
        M8: Perform First Aid on an Open Head Wound in a CBRN Environment
        M9: Treat an Open Abdominal Wound and Eye Injuries
        M10: Treat a Fracture and a Burn

        Weapon Lane Tasks
        W1 : Carbine/Rifle and Light Grenade Launcher
        Part One-M4 Carbine/M16 Rifle
        Part Two-Light Grenade Launcher (M203 or M320)
        W2-M249 Squad Automatic Weapon
        Part One- Maintain the M249
        Part One- Maintain the M240
        Part Two- Operate the M249
        Part Two- Operate the M240
        W3-M240 Machine Gun
        W4-M2. 50 Caliber Machine Gun
        W5-MK 19 Heavy Grenade Launcher
        W6-Pistol (M9 or M17)
        W7-Hand Grenades
        ESB 1: React to IED Attack
        ESB 2: Construct Individual Fighting Position
        ESB 3: Search Individual in a Tactical Environment

        Patrol Lane Tasks
        P1- Move under Direct Fire
        P2- Tactical Handheld Radio
        P3- Defense Advanced GPS Receiver (DAGR) Operations
        P4- Camouflage and Visual Signaling Techniques
        P5- Chemical and Biological Operations
        P6- Resection and Military Maps
        P7- M18A1 Claymore Mine (Electrical/Non-electrical Initiation)
        P8- Transmit a Spot Report with a Tactical Man Pack Radio
        ESB 4: Employ Progressive Levels of Individual Force
        ESB 5: Mark CBRN-Contaminated Areas
        Brigade Commanders choose from ESB tasks or 5 unit specific tasks such as "Rig a rucksack" or "PMCS a vehicle" (Approved through Test Management Office)

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